At Doctors Preferred Home Health Care we strive to provide the most integrative services in an effort to maintain our clients’ highest level of satisfaction.

Call us at +1.888.528.8757

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide quality personalized medical services to members of the community. We hire and further train highly experienced personnel with leading industry knowledge. We invest in our employees to maximize the benefit of the patient! We also believe it takes a village to take care of one another, as such our personnel is trained to work closely with patient’s family members to maximize rehabilitation.

Our Services

Skilled Nursing Care

Our nurses work closely with each patient and his/her physician to ensure that all necessary care is administered to patients at home. Nurses monitor and track vital signs, perform procedures such as IV Placement, phlebotomy, injections and administer medications. We believe that the nurse is a critical contact between the patient and physician. As such, our nurses are trained to notice problems and raise concerns about progress.

Wound Care Management

Our nurses provide the utmost care through all phases of wound healing/management as to avoid, among other things, infections.

Diabetic Management and Training

Our nurses assist diabetic patients in monitoring their disease. We understand that diabetes management requires awareness. Therefore, we assist patients who are at risk for complications from diabetes in helping them manage their lifestyle so as to both prevent the onset of and track signs of development of diabetes.


Physical Therapy

Our physical therapists help patients suffering from injury or disease to restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities. In addition, they promote each patient’s overall fitness and health. Additionally, they evaluate each patient and design individual programs for treatment. They teach patients how to do exercise with such equipment as pulleys and weights, stationary bicycles, and parallel bars. They also teach patients and their families how to use and care for, wheelchairs, braces, canes, and crutches, and artificial limbs.

Occupational Therapy

Our occupational therapists assist patients who have conditions that are mentally, physically, developmentally or emotionally disabling in order to improve their ability to perform tasks in their daily living and working environments. They also help patients develop, recover, or maintain daily living and work skills.

Speech Pathology (Therapy)

Our speech pathologists (therapists) identify and treat communication problems related to language and speech, via vocal exercises and cognitive therapies. They assist patients with all types of speech problems, including but not limited to, articulation, language, fluency, and/or resonance disorder. They devise and teach alternative methods of communicating, including but not limited to, sign language. They also identify and treat problems related to swallowing and oral motor control.

Falls In The Elderly: Causes and Prevention

The elderly are often more attentive to their health and thus are scared of it. And this psychological issue leads to a passive lifestyle and weakening. Which, consequently results in falls.

What You Should Know About Arthritis In Older Adults

What are the causes of joint diseases in the elderly? How to treat them? Is it possible to prevent or slow down the development of joint diseases? Let’s check it out together.

Gait Disorder: Sarcopenia in Elderly

Generally aging causes a lot of different changes in the human body and especially in a gait. A lot of gait disorders occur whenever a person gets older and it becomes more and more difficult to control them.

Taking Care Of The Elderly With Vision Problems

Imagine a situation when your relatives or friends aged 50 and more get together. The conversation topic jumps quickly into the health topic right after greetings and questions. They start to count their health issues, eyesight, hearing problems, etc. 

Cancer Is Not The End. How to Help Your Loved Ones?

Nowadays, with a growing number of patients facing cancer, half of us, in one way or another, find ourselves in a situation where it will be necessary to choose words and support the dearest person. And although there can be no universal tips and solutions, the basic rules still exist.

Habits that have Negative Effects on Your Mental Health​

Getting rid of these habits will not solve all your problems, but it will help you feel better, happier, and emotionally balanced.

Multiple Sclerosis in questions and answers. What should you know about MS?

MS is so far one of the most common chronic autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). The cause of multiple sclerosis is unknown. The infectious nature of this disease has sparked debate for many years.

Advantages Of Calling a Nurse at Home

By calling a nurse at home, the patient receives a number of advantages and saves himself from the inconveniences associated with visiting the clinic. This is especially true for people who are forced by the disease to stay at home all the time.

In-house rehabilitation and care after stroke

Stroke, unfortunately, is a widespread problem nowadays. Yet, many people don’t want their relatives to stay at the hospital for the rehabilitation process and prefer in-house care. As a matter of fact, everyone knows how difficult it is to take care of a person who has recently faced a stroke. It requires a lot of effort and attentiveness. So, not everyone can deal with it and many people opt to call for an in-house care specialist. 

Yet, there are some small tips you need to master to help your loved ones overcome the rehabilitation difficulties.

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Phone : +1.888.528.8757


Fax : +1.951.475.6570

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